Social Outreach

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Since 1998, St. Alban Anglican Church has been a leader in developing outreach ministries with the help and support of our congregation, local business, government and a very large list of dedicated individuals that volunteer  day in and day out to keep numerous programs going.

In the spring of 2015, the four outreach programs (The Richmond Drop-in Center, The Community Meal, the Extreme Weather Shelter, and the Shower Program) became unified under one organization as St. Alban Outreach and Advocacy, since then the Drop-in Center and Extreme Weather Shelter have closed. We started a Friday Hot Lunch program which started in the fall of 2015 and is still running every Friday in the hall at 11:30 am.

For more information, please visit the following pages:

Our Programs

Volunteer Opportunities



This year, there is a great need for additional support.  In order to meet the growing needs of our Social Outreach Programs, we have set up a a monthly sponsorship program that you can sign up for below.

With the sponsorship program, you’ll also receive a monthly update from the Outreach Program Coordinator about how donated funds like yours were spent, and any exciting news from our programs that month, in addition to your thank you card and tax receipt.

Sponsorship Amount
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