The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany


   St. Alban’s Anglican Church

7260 St. Alban’s Road Richmond B.C. V6Y 2K3 Phone: 604-278-2770 Fax: 604-278-3384
e-mail address: web Site:

Sunday Services 8:30 am & 10:00 am

St. Alban’s Anglican Church is an  inclusive community of disciples of Jesus Christ serving God in the heart of Richmond through worship, ministry and outreach. There has been a parish of St. Alban’s in Richmond since 1893. Since 1953 people have met here on this site to worship God and witness to Christ’s love for the world. We are strengthened and enriched by the diversity of our community. It is a place of caring, service and outreach, and a place that welcomes ALL. Please join us at the 8:30 am service or the 10:00 am Service.

If you are worshiping with us today for the first time…and are interested in learning more about us, or becoming a member, please ask one of our sides persons for a visitor’s form, or speak with one of the greeters following the service.